Woodley School and College

Dog Kennel Bank, Huddersfield, HD5 8JE


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PE & Sports Premium

Purpose of the premium 

The premium must be used to fund additional and sustainable improvements to the provision of PE and sport, for the benefit of primary-aged pupils, in the 2020 to 2021 academic year, to encourage the development of healthy, active lifestyles. The government is providing additional funding of £150 million per annum to improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. This funding - provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport has been allocated to schools. This funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on provision of PE and sport in schools. 

Purpose of funding 

Schools must spend the additional funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but schools have been given the freedom to choose how they do this. A list of possible uses has been suggested. 

2020-2021 at Woodley School. This year Woodley School and College received £16,546 for sports premium. 

we used the money to

  • support the development of the walking track on the field. We are purchasing bikes, helmets and storage equipment. 
  • support and engage all children in physical activities - 
  • increase pupils’ participation in the sports and physical activities 
  • improve resources to support the development of the subject 

The funding has been used for purchasing a variety of mini trampolines were purchased to be used in classrooms to support both the physical activity and to help individuals self-regulate. We employed a sports coach to work with staff and children to skill up the staff and to increase their knowledge of teaching PE.  

In 2021-2022, This year Woodley School and College received £16, 546 for sports premium. 

we used the money to 

  • £3473 was used to support swimming. 22 pupils accessed swimming lessons. 9 children became independent swimmers and 9 pupils achieved the National Curriculum benchmark for the end of KS2 and were able to swim for 25 metres independently.  

Our students find it difficult to access evening and weekend swimming lessons due to their complex communication and Autism. Together with our parents and carers we are aspirational that pupils learn to swim as a life skill and support their personal safety. It is part of the school offer for PE in KS2. Being able to attend swimming lessons enhances the pupils’ Quality of Life and gives them the opportunity to have fun and develop a sense of personal achievement.  

  • £4750 was spend on Sport Coaching. This supported a broad and balanced curriculum The sports coach works with the staff to model best practice; the staff have gained new skills that they can use with their pupils.  
  • £36 was spent on sports equipment  
  • £165 was spent on a full day of Rugby League coaching from the Huddersfield Giant Rugby Team  
  • There was less attendance at regional or local sporting events due to the Covid 19 pandemic. This has restated in the year 2022 to 2023.  
  • £7567 was allocated to buy specialist bikes to use on the school grounds.  



  1. The engagement of all pupils in daily physical activity increased. This can be in structured lessons but in addition to this we have developed the access to the school field by making a walking track. Up to 50% of the pupils and staff walk a mile a day.
  2. The success of swimming sessions and the improved pupil outcomes has led to an increase number of pupils booked to attend sessions in the Year 2022/23. We have found a second pool that can offer safe access to our younger and more vulnerable pupils. We have enough pupils attending session to qualify to use the LA (Local Authority) yellow bus scheme. This is further supporting pupils to develop their social and independent travel skills.
  3. The profile of PE and sports has been raised in the school. Pupils’ enthusiasm and interest is high across all ages. To support the maintenance of this we have built s second outdoor play area with larger equipment to be used by the older pupils in the school. This has increased the time available for all pupils to use outdoor equipment.
  4. The use of PE specialists had increased and developed teaching and support staff confidence and skills in relation to curriculum content, skills development, and motivating pupils.
  5. At Woodley School and College, a broad range of Pe and sporting activities are part of the PE curriculum and leisure options. This includes daily Sensory Circuits, Rebound, walk a mile a day, bicycle track area with a variety of bicycles and scooters, climbing walls, swimming, and Forest School.
  6. The schools takes part in competitive sporting activities locally and in the Yorkshire region. This includes football matches, Boccia, Table Football, and athletics.