Woodley School and College

Dog Kennel Bank, Huddersfield, HD5 8JE


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  3. Blossom

What is Blossom?

Blossom is a shop run by Woodley College students aged 16-19. Woodley College is a college for students with a diagnosis of autism.


Our students make all the products that are sold in Blossom in the workshop space. Everything is handmade! The students make the products using a range of equipment and also through learning new skills.

Why is Blossom so important?

Blossom offers our students the opportunity to develop employability skills and also life skills. We hope Blossom can support our students to one day get some supported part time employment or even full-time employment.


Blossom is a great place to buy any gifts you might need. We have some items that the students make available on our online shop but we have a much larger range in the shop.

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Students working in Blossom

Where is Blossom?

The shop is based in Byram Arcade in Huddersfield. The address is 28/29 Byram Arcade (second floor), Westgate, Huddersfield, HD1 1ND.


We also have an online shop that you can find here- Blossom (sumupstore.com)


You can also follow us on Instagram- @woodleyblossom