Woodley School and College

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Performance Data

How are students assessed at Woodley?

At Woodley School & College we take a creative and personalised approach so that every student can learn at their level, in a way that suits their needs. All students have a learning journey folder which evidences the learning that has taken place and we use B-Squared and Evisense to evidence and track student progress. 


Assessments in school are carried out using Progression Steps, Pre-Key Stage Standards and the Engagement Model. The Pre-key Stage Standards are for pupils who are working below the overall standard of national curriculum assessments, but who are engaged in subject-specific study. The engagement model is the assessment for pupils working below the standard of national curriculum assessments and not engaged in subject-specific study.  All students are also assessed against the Autism Progress Framework.

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Woodley School Achievement Data Report  - 2022 – 2023


Assessments at Woodley would carried out in line with the Pre-Key Stage Standards and the Engagement Model. The Pre-key Stage Standards are for pupils who are working below the overall standard of national curriculum assessments, but whom are engaged in subject-specific study. The engagement model is the assessment for pupils working below the standard of national curriculum assessments and not engaged in subject-specific study. 

  • 0 (zero) students were entered for the Phonic Screening test 
  • 0 (zero) students were entered for the SATS tests 
  • EYFS – 1 student was assessed to be emerging in 12 outcomes and expected in 5 outcomes
  • End of Key Stage 1 Data – 4 Students were working at Engagement Model Level, and 3 Students achieved between PKSS2 and PKSS 4 in English Reading, English Writing & Maths.
  • End of Key Stage 2 Data - 12 Students achieved between PKSS1 and PKSS 6 in English Reading, English Writing & Maths.

AQA Unit Awards

Students in Woodley School achieved a total 62 AQA Unit awards

  • Year 11 – 34 units
  • Year 10 – 24 units
  • Year 9 – 4 units


Achievement Data Report 21 - 22
The student population is diverse and varies annually.  

Aspirational targets are set for individuals annually in all subjects and for wider participation across the school for example rebound therapy targets. Thorough student assessment reviews take place termly. Teacher judgements are rigorously and systematically reviewed and challenged through monitoring and professional conversation meetings, ensuring teachers are accountable for student progress and intervention.  


Students are stretched and challenged, are overcoming barriers to learning, receive a varied curriculum. In year data for individuals is used to set new targets if the original ones are met and to inform interventions and the need for more support if needed, for example from the specialist Occupational Therapist or Speech Therapists 


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There was 1 student in Reception who started at Woodley in January 2022. His progress and attainment was measured using the Early Years Foundation Profile. He was Emerging in all areas at the end of July 2022. 

Personalised data and a fully summary will give clearer analysis of progress and attainment.  

Overall, in the school 14 classes were assessed using the Pre-Key Stage Standards and the Bsquared Summative Assessment System Progression Steps. This system is used with students following the Semi formal and Formal Curriculum in Year 1 to 11. In 5 classes (36% of this cohort) all students met their targets in Reading, Writing and Maths. In 11 classes (79% of the cohort) all students met their reading targets. In 8 of the classes (57% of the cohort) met their targets in writing. In 10 classes (67% of the cohort) all pupils met their maths targets.  

We used the Engagement Model to track the progress and attainment for students who are not following a subject based curriculum, 38% off the school, (previously measured as those working at P4 or Below). These students follow the Preformal curriculum. We are using the BSquared Summative Assessment System Engagement Steps to track in greater detail. 6 classes use this as their primary assessment systemIn 4 classes all students met their targets. In 2 classes 80% of students met their targets. There was good or better progress in this area 

Some students are using the Engagement Steps for most of their curriculum and have begun to follow subject specific targets in some areas of Maths and English because these are areas of strength.  Alongside this, the students are measure in a nonlinear way against the areas of the Engagement Model areas: - Initiation, Persistence, Exploration, Anticipation and Realisation.  

All students use the Autism Progress Summative Assessment system to track progress and inform next steps for the areas of Communication, Social Interaction, Flexibility of Thought and Emotional Regulation. All students have made progress in this area. It is not possible to calculate an average or expected progress in this system because it works on individuals’ needs, strengths, and any barriers to learning that are a result of their autism. Students have more targets set to support their progress and development in broader curriculum areas including Rebound Therapy.  

IKS4 (Key Stage 4) and Post 16 attainment and progress is also measured against the criteria for external qualifications. There is no fixed Accreditation pathway, students follow courses that best suit their learning style and earlier attainment. In Woodley College, the majority of pupils met their targets. Some of their courses run over more than one year and awards will be completed in 2023. 

  • Three year 11 students received Entry Level Certificates in History, Art and Design and Maths.  

  • 110 AQA Unit Awards were completed. We are awaiting confirmation that they have all past. There were 61 completed by Year 11 students, 19 completed by one year 10 students, 10 completed by Year 14 student and 20 completed by Year 13 students 

End of Key Stage Data was submitted to the DfE (Department for Education) 

  • End of KS1(Year 2) 7 students were working within the Engagement Model2 students were working at Pre-Key Stage Standard 1 in English and Maths, student was working at Pre-Key Stage Standard 2 in English and 1 in Maths. None of the 11 students met the benchmark standard in scienceNo one was working at age related expectations 

  • No students were entered for the Phonic Screening test  

  • No students were entered for the SATS tests  

  • End of KS2 (Key Stage 2) (Year 6) 11 students. One student had 22% attendance and was marked at absent for extended periods as their data return. One student was on roll while waiting to move to a new setting and was marked as absent for extended periods for their data return. 2 students were working within the Engagement Model. One student was working at Pre-Key Stage Standard 1 in all areas. 4 students were working at Pre-Key Stage Standard 2 and 3 students were working between Pre-Key Standard 2 and 4 across the area of English and Maths. No one met the standard set for science. No one was working at age related expectations.  

Students fall into three groups in terms of their prior attainment and this is mirrored by the curriculum being taught in three strands. The % of the population for this year following each curriculum strand was: - 

  • Pre-formal students 38% 

  • Semi-formal students - 45 

  • Formal students – 17% 

Pupil Premium – 26% of population. Students made good progress and the majority were on track.  

Progress of boys and girls – progress and attainment are broadly in line from student starting points  

Primary SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) – Autism 96% of population, Speech Language and Communication Needs 3%, Other needs 1 

Student destinations 

Y11 4 students have stayed on to attend Woodley College.  student moved to Ravenshall Post 16 department,student moved to Doncaster College,1 student moved to Pic College 

Y14student to a social carepackage,student under section in hospital 1 student to Wakefield Camphill